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2024-04-26 7 来源网络




It is my great pleasure to receive your letter. I'm terribly sorry for my late reply, and hope that it wouldn't affect your arrangement.


I think I will be available after 16th Apr. Is it acceptable according to your plan? If it is ok, I would like to make an appointment with you to visit the factory before start my work for well understanding of my work range.


Would you please let me know when it will be convenient with you in the mainland factory? Then I can be there in advance, thank you a lot.


If there are some other proper personnel, and no need for me to come, please also take the trouble to let me know. Many thanks.

Remember me to Mary and two of your cute babies!




1,Party a will have a unique group edition accounts number。

2,Party a can use SMS by party b invite interviewer and enjoy talent recommendation by

party b。

3,Party a can administrate the recruitment information, the total account number will recruitment information management for number of each child accounts number。

4, According to the child account opening number ,Party A can open the account number that have the equal function 。Apply for child accounts must be audit by party B.

5, Party A was used of each child account about group edition can consult the 400 personal resume and distribute 30 recruitment post 。

6,The group of party a's use of all account can consult the school graduates or interns information。

7,The group of party a's use of all accounts can charge version to applicant resume and use individual membership invitation 。

8,The group of party a's use of all accounts all can build version Internet pool 。

9 ,Party A opened the child account are independent management and safeguard oneself, and each child account informationare independent in the functional non-interference


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