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2023-04-21 5 来源网络



presents her with a priceless diamond necklace during the voyage. She is having second thoughts about her engagement. You see, she doesn't love the arrogant, pretentious Cal - she is marrying him for his money (at her mother's urging). Rose's misgivings predictably have nothing to do with a guilty conscience at her deception.Let me pause to reflect on the general theme of the characterizations the screenwriters developed. There is a simple formula: All wealthy people are boorish, overbearing, dishonest, selfish, pretentious, and greedy -- some are evil. All people of limited means are genuine, loving, selfless, honorable and generous. This simplistic and shallow (not to mention untrue) way of portraying the movie's characters is truly sophomoric. But apparently the general public cannot see the injustice and inaccuracy of this propaganda. Can it be that the dumbing down of America, and the left's tactic of fomenting class envy has been so successful that they actually agree with the manipulators who produced this movie? I shudder.Back to our "heroine." She's unfulfilled by her life. Her intended doesn't appreciate her Picassos. She doesn't like cocktail party chitchat. She's misunderstood. So, she does what anyone in her situation would do. She makes a half-hearted attempt to kill herself by jumping overboard. During the botched suicide try, she meets the "hero," a young struggling artist who won his third-class ticket on the Titanic in a poker game. How does he make his living? Selling his third-rate sketches for ten cents each. As you can guess, using the formula outlined above, Jack is genuine, loving, selfless and honorable. (Just ignore his seduction of another man's future wife.) He pursues Rose during the next few days finally convincing her to go below decks - where the poor (good) people are. Rose has a wonderful time at a


It tells us a story.A story about a woman and a man.A story about love and life.There are many things including pictures,necklace,laugh or cry,wealth and poor,live or die...like every story.But all of them are not the most important,the most important is"enjoy every day"with love and dignity.

It's only a story ,but in someone's memory,it means all.

求泰坦尼克号英文观后感 100字

It tells us a story.A story about a woman and a man.A story about love and life.There are many things including pictures,necklace,laugh or cry,wealth and poor,live or die...like every story.But all of them are not the most important,the most important is"enjoy every day"with love and dignity.It's only a story ,but in someone's memory,it means all....


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求一篇泰坦尼克的读后感求一篇泰坦尼克的读后感,死侍英语观后感:The heart of ocean which is the name of the diamond in Titanic. It's also the space which a woman's heart could be. And how...