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2023-02-16 5 来源网络


It is a tough bet to retell a story which has already been told not once but many number of times. We all know what happens in Cinderella, but it would take Disney to make an already known story to be interesting. The way this version of Cinderella has been told makes all the difference. Disney and Fairy tales are made for each other so much, that no matter how many times they tell the same story, it is still as interesting as watching it for the first time. Throw in some top class CGI to the fairy tale, and voila you have a stunning movie, and yes the movie was stunning, be it the palace, which i believe was CGI, the performances by the artists and above all the screenplay had been extremely well written all over the movie. Thankfully this one is not a musical like its predecessor, from Disney.So full marks to the director Kenneth Branagh, and full scores to Lily James for portraying the most loved character of all times. Also a special mention to the characterization of the prince,played by Madden, that rather than being portrayed as the lover boy Prince Charming, who just falls in love over Cinderella, in this version he shows his character by standing up for his love.


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