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2023-06-07 6 来源网络

[公司主题演讲比赛主持词]文章标题:公司主题演讲比赛主持词 男:尊敬的各位领导、评委 女:同事们 合:大家晚上好! 女:在这秋高气爽的10月里,我们XX公司在XXX的带领下走过了3个春秋男:硕果累累,我们展望未来,信心...+阅读


不会遗忘是谁教会了我思想;不会遗忘是谁在迷茫里指引方向;不会遗忘是谁让世界有爱和书声琅琅;不会遗忘是谁用辛勤构建知识的殿堂。 有人说:你是春蚕,吐不尽那绵绵的情丝至死方休!有人说:你是蜡烛,洒尽最后一滴泪雨去照亮漆黑的夜空;也有人说:你是朝露,常在黎明到来之前,默默滋润着大地万物;还有人说:你是晚霞,当太阳回归之后,用最后一丝光亮燃烧苍穹。老师啊!你自己却说:我最渴望的就是铺路,最幸福的还是燃烧;我只是湛蓝天上的一缕飞烟,不慕华贵,美在天然;我只是征途上那块苍老的阶石,是黑暗中那颗遥远的寒星;我只是,我只是滔滔江河中的一滴水珠,来也悄悄,去也从容。亲爱的老师!黑板上你画出了彩虹,却擦去了功利;讲台上你举起了别人,却奉献了自己;是岁月苍老了你的容颜,是粉笔染白了你的两鬓;你放飞了许多的希望,而守巢的却依旧是你!亲爱的老师,我想对你说:你是启明星的迎接者,北斗星的陪伴者;你是三尺土地的耕耘者,三寸工具的驾驶者;你是人类文化的传播者,世界前进的推动者;你是人类灵魂的设计者,社会乾坤的扭转者。

你是春风,吹绿了一座座山头,你是阳光,照亮了每个角落;你是灯塔,引导迷茫之舟驰骋知识海洋,你是红烛,把光热毫不吝啬地洒向人世间;你用火炭的心情,染红了腊梅的枝头,燃烧了自已,给了我春的向往,一片希望的绿叶;你将书砌的冰山,飘做了雪花 ,花白了头发,给了我纯洁的梦想,一双寒风中坚强的翅膀;你从知识的海洋走来,手捧一掬甘泉,洒下一路汗水,滋润了我干渴的心田,一种孜孜以的愿望。当蜡炬成灰时,你就是不朽;当蚕丝吐尽时,你将会永恒!蓦回首 串起春秋的脚步 我的人生 在你的期待的目光里 继续向前 向前……


此稿和老外讨论修改过,没有大问题。 觉得有用请支持一下 Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon. Welcome to the 2006 HIT graduate level English speech final competition. To start with, we'd like to briefly introduce the whole process of the competition. From Sep., 2300 graduates have participated in this competition, of those, more than 70 took part in the semi-final and today we have 10 outstanding speakers to compete in the final round. At first, with great honor, we'd like to introduce the guests at present. They're ... We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today. Next, let me introduce the judges of today's contest. They're ... Thank you for being a part of the competition. Now, let's welcome professor ... to give us the opening address. (address) Thank you professor ... Let me introduce the rules of today's contest. According to the performance of every contestant, 7 scores will be given by our 7 judges, the fullmark is 100. The final score is the average excluding one of the highest and one of the lowest scores. After the competition rules, let's meet our contestants, and welcome all of them to the stage NOW. Each of you'll have 30 seconds to introduce yourself. OK. All contestants have finished their introductions. (turn to contestants) We all look forward to your wonderful performances, and we wish you the best of luck. Now, the 2006 HIT graduate level English speech final competition formally start. Please welcome Contestant No.1 ... (speech) Thank you C.N.1 Judges, question please. (question) Judges, please show your scores. (scores) Let me announce, the scores of C.N.1 are ... OK. Let's welcome C.N.2 ... (speech) Question please. (question) Let me announce the final score of C.N.1 is ... Please give your scores. (score) the scores of C.N.2 are ... OK, let's welcome C.N.3 ... . . . OK. all contestants have finished their speech. Before we announce the final result, please welcome our foreign teachers to comment on the contest. (comment) The final score of C.N.10 is ... Now, it's time to award the honorable mention to our semi-finalists. There are 70 students entered the semi-final, let's welcome the representative to receive the award and welcome ... to give the award. Now, let me announce the 3rd place winners. They are ... Let' welcome ... to give the prizes. it's time to announce the 2nd place winners. They are ... Let's welcome ... to give the prizes. it's time to announce the 1st place winners. They are ... Let's welcome ... to award the top prizes. Congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges. Thank you for coming! (bow) Let's look forward to the next year's competition! Thanks again! Bye!


But dreaming alone is not enough, you must believe in your dreams and you must actgoodmorning everyone, he must dream great things. today, welcome to the stage of dreams, welcome the first competitor, we will witness the appearence of the dreams! Living without an aim is just like sailing without a compass If one wants to accomplish great things



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